Welcome! What can you expect?

coffee, mug, cup, Danielle MacInnes, table, cafe, begin, start, beginning
© Danielle MacInnes

Alright, here comes the first post. Even I am not sure what to expect.

I have recently got the notion that I am tired of endlessly wasting my free time and want to make better use of it. It’s incredible how many hours I accumulate watching Netflix, YouTube and other services. My time is definitely worth more.

I want to start this blog to hold myself accountable for my time by providing regular updates and documenting my journey of becoming financially free. For all I know, it will surely be fun to go back in time and re-read everything. Are you able to find some value and support in my writing? Even better.

At this time, I am 24 years old and have a dream of waking up one day and being the boss of my own time. I do have a full time job that is paying more than enough to cover my basic living expenses, but I always wanted more. At first, I was after the money, but later came to realisation that the thing I truly want is to be free. That does not mean that I expect to rest on the beach and do nothing. I am not sure I’ll ever be able to do that anyway.

Right now I am also running a small business that is generating about €2-3k in revenue each month. I will be posting updates on both my personal financial situation, as well as business’. I do not expect to give away much information, so everything will be generalised and more about the numbers and strategy. That might change later, but it is too early to say.

With time the blog might become more structured and categorised, I am not to sure what to make of it now. I’d like to commit to it first, and figure out the rest later. What I do know is that I’d like to post at least once a week on topics that interest me.

Hope that you want to tag along for the ride 🙂

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